1 package com.xingxunxinxi.ParameterValidator; 2 3 /** 4 * 5 * 项目名称:ParameterValidator 6 * 类名称: ParameterValidator 7 * 类描述: ParameterValidateService interface 8 * 创建人: HumorChen 9 * 创建时间:2019年4月20日 下午7:48:51 10 * 修改时间:2019年4月20日 下午7:48:51 11 * 修改备注: 12 * 13 */14 public interface ParameterValidateService {15 String SUCCESS="SUCCESS";16 public String validate(Object...objects)throws Exception;17 }
1 package com.xingxunxinxi.ParameterValidator; 2 3 import java.lang.reflect.Field; 4 import java.lang.reflect.Method; 5 /** 6 * 7 * 8 * 项目名称:ParameterValidator 9 * 类名称: DefaultParameterValidateService 10 * 类描述: DefaultParameterValidateService 11 * 创建人: HumorChen 12 * 创建时间:2019年4月20日 下午11:46:47 13 * 修改时间:2019年4月20日 下午11:46:47 14 * 修改备注: 15 * 16 */ 17 public class DefaultParameterValidateService implements ParameterValidateService { 18 //false means return first failure reason,true means return all reasons. 19 private boolean AllResult=false; 20 //whether inner-validator is initialized 21 private boolean initialized=false; 22 //inner validator object 23 private Object validator; 24 //exception message 25 private static String notValidatorExceptionMessage="This object is not an instance of ParameterValidator"; 26 //separate reason 27 public static String ReasonSeparator="\n"; 28 public DefaultParameterValidateService() 29 { 30 31 } 32 /** 33 * parameter AllResult is true means return all fail reasons when validating,false means return the first failure reason 34 * @param boolean 35 */ 36 public DefaultParameterValidateService(boolean AllResult) 37 { 38 this.AllResult=AllResult; 39 } 40 /** 41 * initialize the validator of ParameterValidatorService 42 * @param class 43 * @throws Exception 44 */ 45 public void init(Class validatorclass) throws Exception 46 { 47 init(validatorclass.newInstance()); 48 } 49 /** 50 * initialize the validator of ParameterValidatorService 51 * @param Object 52 * @throws Exception 53 */ 54 public void init(Object object) throws Exception 55 { 56 if(isValidator(object)) 57 { 58 this.validator=object; 59 initialized=true; 60 System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName()+" initialize success"); 61 } 62 } 63 /** 64 * initialize the validator of ParameterValidatorService 65 * @param String 66 * @throws Exception 67 */ 68 public void init(String classname) throws Exception 69 { 70 init(Class.forName(classname).newInstance()); 71 } 72 /** 73 * judge whether the object is a validator. 74 * reference ParametorValidatorDemo 75 * method-ruler: 76 * method-name:your property name 77 * returnType: String 78 * parameterCount:1 79 * parameterType:Object 80 * @param object 81 * @return boolean 82 * @throws Exception 83 */ 84 private boolean isValidator(Object object) throws Exception 85 { 86 for(Method method:object.getClass().getDeclaredMethods()) 87 if(method.getParameterCount()==1&&method.getReturnType().equals(String.class)&&method.getParameterTypes()[0].equals(Object.class)) 88 return true; 89 else 90 throw new Exception(notValidatorExceptionMessage); 91 return false; 92 } 93 94 public static void setReasonSeparator(String reasonSeparator) { 95 ReasonSeparator = reasonSeparator; 96 } 97 98 public boolean isAllResult() { 99 return AllResult;100 }101 public void setAllResult(boolean allResult) {102 AllResult = allResult;103 }104 /**105 * validate objects' properties106 * @param objects107 * @return String:validate_result108 */109 public String validate(Object... objects) throws Exception {110 if(initialized)111 {112 String result="";113 for(Object object:objects)114 for(Field field:object.getClass().getDeclaredFields())115 {116 field.setAccessible(true);117 String fieldresult=(String) validator.getClass().getMethod(field.getName(), Object.class).invoke(validator, field.get(object));118 if(AllResult)119 {120 if(!fieldresult.equals(SUCCESS))121 result+=fieldresult+ReasonSeparator;122 }123 else124 {125 if(!fieldresult.equals(SUCCESS))126 return fieldresult;127 }128 }129 return result==""?SUCCESS:result.substring(0, result.length()-ReasonSeparator.length());130 }131 else132 throw new Exception("ParameterValidator not initialized Exception");133 }134 135 }
1 package com.xingxunxinxi.ParameterValidator.Demo; 2 3 import com.xingxunxinxi.ParameterValidator.ParameterValidateService; 4 5 /** 6 * 7 * 8 * 项目名称:ParameterValidator 9 * 类名称: ParameterValidatorDemo 10 * 类描述: ParameterValidatorDemo11 * 创建人: HumorChen 12 * 创建时间:2019年4月20日 下午10:07:27 13 * 修改时间:2019年4月20日 下午10:07:27 14 * 修改备注: 15 *16 */17 public class ParameterValidatorDemo {18 /**19 * we use this method below to validate object's property which named phoneNumber,if phoneNumber's value is legal,this method will return20 * ParameterValidateService.SUCCESS,or return your individual tip.21 * @param object22 * @return String23 */24 public String phoneNumber(Object object)25 {26 String result="illegal phone number";27 String regex = "^((13[0-9])|(14[5,7,9])|(15([0-3]|[5-9]))|(166)|(17[0,1,3,5,6,7,8])|(18[0-9])|(19[8|9]))\\d{8}$";28 if(((String)object).matches(regex))29 return ParameterValidateService.SUCCESS;30 return result;31 }32 /**33 * we use this method below to validate object's property which named password,if password's value is legal,this method will return34 * ParameterValidateService.SUCCESS,or return your individual tip.35 * @param object36 * @return37 */38 public String password(Object object)39 {40 String result="illegal password";41 String regex = "^(?![0-9]+$)(?![a-zA-Z]+$)[0-9A-Za-z]{8,20}$";42 if(((String)object).matches(regex))43 return ParameterValidateService.SUCCESS;44 return result;45 }46 }
1 package com.xingxunxinxi.ParameterValidator.Demo; 2 3 import com.xingxunxinxi.ParameterValidator.DefaultParameterValidateService; 4 /** 5 * 6 * 7 * 项目名称:ParameterValidator 8 * 类名称: UseDemo 9 * 类描述: DefaultParameterValidateService use demo10 * 创建人: HumorChen 11 * 创建时间:2019年4月20日 下午11:47:20 12 * 修改时间:2019年4月20日 下午11:47:20 13 * 修改备注: 14 *15 */16 public class UseDemo {17 static DefaultParameterValidateService dpvs = new DefaultParameterValidateService();18 static {19 try {20 dpvs.init(ParameterValidatorDemo.class);21 } catch (Exception e) {22 System.out.println("initialization failure");23 e.printStackTrace();24 }25 }26 27 public static void main(String[] args) {28 String legalphone = "15073207380";29 String illegalphone = "1507320738";30 31 String legalpassword="12345678ABC";32 String illegalpassword="12345";33 34 User user = new User();35 user.setPhoneNumber(legalphone);36 user.setPassword(legalpassword);37 try {38 System.out.println(user.toString() + "validate result: "39 + dpvs.validate(user));40 user.setPhoneNumber(illegalphone);41 System.out.println(user.toString() + "validate result: "42 + dpvs.validate(user));43 user.setPassword(illegalpassword);44 System.out.println(user.toString() + "validate result: "45 + dpvs.validate(user));46 dpvs.setAllResult(true);47 System.out.println(user.toString() + "validate result: "48 + dpvs.validate(user));49 } catch (Exception e) {50 e.printStackTrace();51 }52 // System.out.println(new ParameterValidatorDemo().phoneNumber("15073207380"));53 }54 /**55 * 56 * 57 * 项目名称:ParameterValidator 类名称: User 类描述: your entity 创建人: HumorChen58 * 创建时间:2019年4月20日 下午10:31:51 修改时间:2019年4月20日 下午10:31:51 修改备注:59 * 60 */61 62 }63 64 class User {65 private String phoneNumber;66 private String password;67 68 public String getPhoneNumber() {69 return phoneNumber;70 }71 72 public void setPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber) {73 this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;74 }75 76 public String getPassword() {77 return password;78 }79 80 public void setPassword(String password) {81 this.password = password;82 }83 public String toString()84 {85 return "phoneNumber:"+phoneNumber+"\npassword:"+password+"\n";86 }87 }
DefaultParameterValidateService initialize success
phoneNumber:15073207380password:12345678ABCvalidate result: SUCCESSphoneNumber:1507320738password:12345678ABCvalidate result: illegal phone numberphoneNumber:1507320738password:12345validate result: illegal phone numberphoneNumber:1507320738password:12345validate result: illegal phone numberillegal password附:
该套HTTP请求参数验证器服务ParamertValidateService,只需要写一个参数验证器的类,该类中为每个需要验证的参数写个同名方法(参数为Object object),在方法内写自己的验证逻辑,验证通过则返回ParameterValidateService.SUCCESS,否则返回自定义错误提示,可选择单错误提示模式和全错误提示模式,单错误提示模式下当验证器发现参数不合法时会立马将该错误返回,而全错误模式下会验证完所有参数后,将所有错误原因返回(以DefaultParameterValidateService.ReasonSeparator分隔,可自定义)。调用该服务时只需要这样写DefaultParameterValidateService.validate(POJO pojo);即可对pojo内所有属性进行验证,并将结果返回。所有参数验证全部通过则返回ParameterValidateService.SUCCESS,否则返回错误提示。